Tuesday, July 9, 2013


I GUESS you can say my husband and I are foodies. We love GOOD food. And good food doesn't always necessarily mean fine dining. You can get the best pulled pork sliders at the food truck downtown, or an awesome stack of chocolate chip pancakes at the neighborhood eatery. It's all about the ingredients. After opening our restaurant last year, I became so much more aware of where food actually comes from and how fresh it really is. The more I read and observed, the more I became interested in finding out about the every day foods we eat as Americans. What's with "all natural" "organic" "grass fed" "non gmo verified"? Why do we have to have labels that say these things? Don't we just assume that everything we eat is "natural"? What's going on?!?! Living a healthy lifestyle has become oh so important to me. I was a chunky girl growing up and was always trying a new diet, working out, and struggling to keep my weight down only because of one thing: I LOVE FOOD. I just ate a lot! But I'm realizing it's more than just eating a lot, it's what we eat that is most important. Once we know exactly what we are putting into our bodies, we can successfully change the way we look and feel without crazy fad diets and starving yourself. This is my quest: to find out what EXACTLY we are eating and how we can make our lives better by making some small changes to our daily routine!                     


                          Me as a little girl :-)        


                        Me with my Hubby now :-)

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