We all know by now that these foods to the left are pretty bad. Anyone who is somewhat health conscious won't eat these foods everyday for every meal. If you look at the ingredients on the back of these products, it's not just cream, flour and sugar, it's a list of things we can't pronounce or have ever actually seen. This is a snack and most people, when they have a craving or feel like indulging, they'll grab a few.
There's some of us that for the most part or completely altogether stay away from "junk" foods and want to eat a healthier diet. When they get those snack cravings, they head to healthier options like nutria-grain bars, yogurt, baked products, trail mix, etc. We pack our kids lunch bag with these items, hoping to detour them from getting candy or cookies and exchange sugar filled sodas with fruit juices. Definitely a better choice than option 1.
Many of us get that feeling after we've eaten a cheat meal or something in the "bad" section that we now want to eat something healthy. Or you may be the one that doesn't ever allow yourself or your children to eat something from the "bad" section and you almost always have your family eating "healthy" snacks and a healthy lifestyle. This is my problem and the reason for this post: What we think is healthy, may not be exactly what it seems. All these products are either Genetically Modified, grown with Antibiotics and Hormones (to make them grow faster and bigger artificially), with preservatives, and possibly for a whole other post, terribly mistreating the animals that we are eating.
ALL 3 OPTIONS have ingredients that are NOT NATURAL even if the product says "all natural". They are contaminated with these Genetically Modified Organisms. These fruits and vegetables along
with steroid and antibiotic induced animal products contain genetics that have been MAN MADE and not GOD MADE the way our beautiful earth has created it for so long.
I am like many people: I eat a rather healthy diet. I don't like fried, fatty foods. I indulge once in a while on those things. I also indulge once in a while on junk food items usually like chips, m&m's, or something like that. The thing is, that I know it's not healthy for me, but I indulge once in a while. But what bothers me, is the things that we THINK are healthy. When we go to the supermarket and buy fresh fruit, veggies, milk, eggs, and meat for our everyday life, we don't know about all the chemicals infested in our normal, everyday foods!!!
I am not saying that ALL fruit and vegetables and all meats and meat products are filled with GMO's or injected with chemicals. I'm just saying that it's a lot more than you think. The terrible issue we are facing right now in the U.S. is whether or not to LABEL GMO'S so that the American citizen has a choice whether to buy a genetically modified food or not. A law passed through Congress, the Senate AND signed by the President that will allow big companies like Monsanto to keep producing Genetically Modified Foods WITHOUT labeling that it is made with GMO'S!!! read about it here That's horrible and absolutely not fair for us, the law abiding citizen. We should KNOW what we are eating and buying!! We are hoping that this law is soon overturned. THANKFULLY, CONNECTICUT recently became the first state to contradict this law and force companies to label any GMO's if they want to be sold in CT supermarkets. YES!!!
One may ask, So what! Are these Genetically Modified plants bad for me? Aren't they doing a good thing by getting more food to starving countries and preserving the life of the food longer?!
GMO's have been linked to various health issues including the shut down of vital organs, cancer, diabetes, obesity, appetite increase...
They are soooooo new to the market. They were brought to us in 1996 and by 2005 they have been marketed in almost all the foods we eat (unless stated otherwise like organic or non GMO verified).
We don't know what the long term affects will be of GM products. What if something happens and it backfires completely on the whole world? What will happen to the original seeds? Will it all be contaminated? What will happen to nature and our beautiful world as we know it? The plants, the animals, insects, trees, everything?
I mean, it's just so new and we don't know what will happen 30 years from now. To make genetically modified food the ONLY source of food is, to me, OUTRAGEOUS. These are just some questions I have and hope to raise awareness to this very important issue. You may be saying to yourself: WHAT CAN I DO??!!?
1. Eat organic and eat locally. This is the BEST option. Knowing where your food comes from and supporting local businesses like your local farm or butcher is the best thing. It's also great for your community!
2. Eat organic. If you can't get tomatoes in season in the north east but want them, then organic from California or Guatemala or wherever is a good choice.
3. Eat local. If organic local and organic in supermarkets is too expensive, your best bet is to eat local. Go to farms and see what they have. Ask them what they use on their crops: Do you use genetically modified seeds? Pesticides? Many small, local farmers have basically organic standards, they just never spent the money to become "USDA Certified Organic". And a lot of them try to spray their crops as little as possible because it's $$$.
4. Buy a fruit and vegetable wash. Even if you eat local fruit and vegetables, it's best to wash them with a natural produce wash. I suggest Environne Fruit and Vegetable Wash. It's made with produce extracts as it's soap. It's super natural and safe. You can find it at Whole Foods and Trader Joes for about $5.99.
5. When you can't buy organic or local, look for these helpful symbols when buying at your supermarket:
6. If you have the means, start your own organic garden! Geez, if I had my own house or at least a sunny balcony, I would DEFINITELY start my own little garden. Even if it's just a couple of items, it's fun, educational for kids, and it's CHEAP! Oh yea, and the number 1 and most therapeutic hobby in America is: you guessed it, GARDENING! :)
I know this is a lot of info and it's quite depressing, but it's stuff we all need to know! Be aware, make better decisions in the supermarket, and I guarantee, you'll probably lose those few extra pounds you've been trying to lose the past 10 years! :-D
I will be posting very soon some places to shop, farms to visit, and how to eat organic and non-gmo when you're NOT RICH!
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