Wednesday, July 10, 2013

I've Been Betrayed by My Favorite Snack in the Whole Wide World!

Nestlé's Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips
NESTLE - Pretty much the largest chocolate distributor in the WORLD. Everywhere I go, whether it's U.S.A, South America or Europe, Nestle is there. One of my most favorite snacks that I basically eat every single day is Nestlé's semi-sweet chocolate chips. It's my chocolate fix. I either have a handful and I'm out the door, or I mix it with peanut or almond butter, fruit, I make desserts out of it...I mean, you get the point. My grandma got me addicted when I used to live with her and she used to make me the BEST chocolate chip cookies! I mean, she still does, but not as often. (Thank God or I'd be pretty big.) I got addicted to them as a teenager and now I got my hubby addicted too. So, during my quest to find out which foods are organic and which contain GMO's (Genetically Modified Organisms, in more basic terms: a man-made produce) I realized yesterday that I should find out more about my chocolate chips. I took out my 5lb bag I just bought to make myself a little Brad's Organic Peanut Butter and chocolate chip snack and I thought to myself: I eat these almost everyday. I wonder if they have GMO's? And then the thought came into my head, well, what if I call and the person tells me yes?! What do I do now?!!?!
A bit apprehensive, I searched the bag to see if it had any label that said NON GMO, but it did not. It did say though "all natural" as you can see in the picture. I called the number on the back of the bag and after a few press this press that, I finally spoke with a representative. He was very nice and I told him that I was a big fan and eat Nestlé's semi-sweet chocolate chips about every day in some way, shape or form. I then told him, "But I have one question. I would like to know, are Nestlé's products made with Genetically Modified Crops?" He told me to hold a minute while he looks up that question. Then he gave me the answer of my nightmares.
He read a pre-answered text he obviously was reading from a computer screen that YES, IN THE UNITED STATES, SOME OF THE INGREDIENTS ARE GENETICALLY MODIFIED. OOOOH NOOOOO. I was so upset. I told him exactly that. I asked him his name and asked, "Have you ever been cheated on?" He didn't answer. I kept going: "Like in Jr. High or High School, it could've been something small but when you found out, you have this horrible feeling in your stomach?" He was still silent. Probably calling police at this moment because he thought I was a psycho! LOL He went on to read another text stating that (I'm not putting in quotes because I'm paraphrasing) Nestle is dedicated to maintaining the best, safest ingredients possible...insures the safety of it's customers...etc. etc. etc. stuff like that.
I realized he said "IN THE UNITED STATES..." So I asked him, "you guys are a global enterprise and you said 'in the U.S.... How about your products in Germany, France, Italy, South America?!" He replied once again from the computer text answer, it depends on the ALLOWANCE of certain materials in that specific country! Whoah. WOW is all I can say. I knew that Italy, France, and Germany are in the process or have already outlawed the use of GMO's OR they are required BY LAW to label which products have been genetically modified. BUT here in the U.S.?!? Things need to be labeled so we KNOW. My next post will be about GMO's and why they are bad and what are their affects on us.
I'm not trying to scare people. It's more of a wake up call to myself and hopefully to others that we need to question sometimes what we are putting in our mouths especially with all the diseases, autism, cancer and diabetes we have going on here. I really think the food has something to do with it.
MY CONCLUSION?? I'm going to have to buy a different brand! I'm going to check Ghiradelli and 365 Whole Foods brands. They are all about the same price: $3.29-$3.99 for 12oz. It's also better for ME because I probably shouldn't be having chocolate EVERY day ;-)

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